We are very pleased to announce the release of phase one of CompuTec ProcessForce MRP 2.5, which we have designed specifically to cater to the demands of advanced manufacturers.
In general, MRP looks at consumption patterns of product and on the basis of those consumption patterns and some other information you enter into the system, then MRP can give you recommendations about what you need to order and of course also generate the subsequent documents. There are already existing MRP functionalities that come as standard in SAP Business One however, our CompuTec ProcessForce customers, as advanced manufacturers, can now benefit from our new MRP calculation engine which will allow them to take the following into consideration:
- Item Revisions
- Internal lead time
- Vendor-specific lead time and internal lead time
- Batch Status and expiry dates
The basic parameters for MRP 2.5 are largely defined in SAP Business One itself using SAP Business One and CompuTec ProcessForce fields, however MRP 2.5 also uses three CompuTec AppEngine plugins.
Vendor Lead Time – This plugin allows us to define rules about lead time specific to each vendor, delivery address and shipping type.
CompuTec ProcessForce MRP – Vendor Lead Time rules
MRP Wizard – Our MRP calculation engine. You create an MRP Scenario by entering information about the MRP horizon and scope and all the other factors you want to be taken into consideration. After running the wizard, you’ll receive MRP recommendations in the form of a Gantt Chart and a list of document recommendations. There is also a visualization tool that displays the relationships between documents both currently in the system and recommended.
CompuTec ProcessForce MRP Wizard – Inventory Data Tab
CompuTec ProcessForce MRP Wizard – Results
CompuTec ProcessForce MRP Wizard – document details, relationships map
Order recommendation – After running the MRP wizard, and saving the recommendations it makes, the Order Recommendation application gives you a quick and easy way to create the recommended documents in the system.
CompuTec ProcessForce MRP 2.5 – Order Recommendation
As there is quite an extensive range of functionalities, we recommend watching the video demonstration below which will walk you through the key features of MRP 2.5 and allow you to see how everything fits together. Please bear in mind that this video is fairly concise and does not cover all potential usage scenarios. If you have questions about how MRP 2.5 can accommodate the needs of your business, please do get in touch with your CompuTec partner or us directly.
In the video, we also give you a quick summary of what we’ve got planned for MRP 2.5 phase two as well.