Across different industries there are many examples of fixed capacity batch size production for example:-
- Mixing Vessels for food preparation
- Aging Tanks for beverages
- Kilns for making bricks
- Non-continuous Ovens for bakeries
- Furnaces for melting metals
These types of resource affect:-
- Process time for a manufacturing order
- Costing of resoMedia Libraryurces, fixed and variable overheads
The example below illustrates when using a fixed capacity resource, the total time and cost will be same regardless if the production order quantity is for 1000 KG or 750 KG. The resource time is based on a fixed time basis, therefore the resource is used for the full fixed time, even though the second cycle is only for 250 KG.
Production Quantity | Resource | Fixed Time | Resource Cycle Capacity | No.of Cycles | Total Time |
1000 KG | Mixing Vessel | 1 Hour | 500 KG | 2 | 2 Hours |
750 KG | Mixing Vessel | 1 Hour | 500 KG | 2 | 2 Hours |
Production Quantity | Resource | Hourly Rate | Fixed Overhead | Variable Overhead | No. of Cycles | Total Time | Total Cost |
1000 KG | Mixing Vessel | 10 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 Hours | 28 |
750 KG | Mixing Vessel | 10 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 Hours | 28 |