As of CompuTec ProcessForce 10.0 R13 users will now find that Material and Production Equipment shortages can be displayed on the scheduling Gantt Chart.
Manufacturing Orders with shortages are marked with a red line at the bottom of their representation on the Gantt Chart. If you move a Manufacturing Order for which there is a shortage to another position on the Gantt Chart, when no shortage would occur, the red line will disappear automatically.
The user can decide if they want to view production equipment or materials shortages or both using the checkboxes at the top of the window. A floating panel with a list of shortages also appears. This floating panel is updated as changes are made to the Gantt Chart.
We’ve also added a Shortages Report to let you get more detail about shortages. The Shortages Report displays shortages for each Item and Revision along with historical and current supply and demand transactions. The shortages report includes a graph that displays available quantities or shortages of the Item/Revision in question.
The documents upon which the shortage report is based can be defined in General Settings in the Shortage Report Tab. You can choose from Purchase Requests, Purchase Quotations, Purchase Orders, Blanket Purchase Agreements, Sales Quotations, Sales Orders, Blanket Sales Agreements, Manufacturing Orders, Stock Transfer Requests and Reserve Invoices. Further details are available to CompuTec partners on our documentation portal here (login required).