CompuTec AppEngine 3.0
We are delighted to announce that CompuTec AppEngine 3.0 is now available to CompuTec partners for testing as part of our Early Access Program. CompuTec AppEngine 3.0 is bursting with exciting new features and new possibilities that have a knock-on effect on other CompuTec solutions and your entire SAP Business One environment. You could say […]
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Revision Status in CompuTec ProcessForce
In CompuTec ProcessForce 10.0 R26, we have changed how Revision status works, and certain Revision statuses now have new, knock-on effects. These improvements will make your processes more consistent and efficient, leaving less room for mistakes. What are Revisions? A Revision, sometimes referred to as a Bill of Material variant, simply refers to the […]
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5 ways to overcome supply chain woes with CompuTec ProcessForce
Manufacturing supply chains are becoming increasingly complex, and we’ve seen in recent years how seemingly minor disruptions can have serious knock-on effects on a global scale. Delays, additional costs, and production bottlenecks caused by supply chain issues are all bad news for manufacturers, but some things can be done to mitigate these threats to business. […]
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CompuTec ProcessForce Plant Maintenance Mobile App
We are pleased to announce the launch of our Plant Maintenance Mobile App. The app is a web-based, Progressive Web App (PWA), and is suitable for use on a wide range of devices and operating systems. It allows production operatives to review maintenance tasks and record meter readings and findings. We are releasing the app […]
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Success Story: Amazing Oriental
Amazing Oriental is a chain of 24 Asian supermarkets in the Netherlands. Their food manufacturing operation, Amazing Daily Meals, provides Asian meals and snacks to their own supermarkets and in-store restaurants as well as caterers and retailers all over Europe. Watch the success story to find out how, with support from our partner Logres, Amazing […]
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CompuTec PDC
In CompuTec PDC, we have made several improvements to the user interface to improve useability and there is an important change to how SAP Crystal Reports work with CompuTec PDC. SAP Crystal Reports SAP has changed how SAP Crystal Reports are handled. For more information, please visit SAP’s documentation here. This means […]
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Analytical Page for Manufacturing Orders
We are very excited to announce the release of our CompuTec AppEngine Analytical Page for Manufacturing Orders. This user-friendly tool will allow you to create custom reports and analytics about Manufacturing Orders very quickly and easily. These reports can be used to gain greater visibility into production activities, identify potential for improvement, fine-tune strategies and […]
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CompuTec PDC
CompuTec PDC comes with several useful new features. Pick Receipt: Batch Generation You can now generate batches from CompuTec PDC’s Pick Receipt. When the user opens Pick Receipt, they can enter the total quantity and the number of batches and click on the “generate” button. Subsequently, a line for each batch will appear […]
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Palital Feed Additives Success Story
Palital Feed Additives is a manufacturer of high-quality animal feed additives based in the Netherlands. They specialize in coated butyrates, gradual-release urea, enzymes, medium-chain glycerides and essential oils, and flavours and sweeteners for the animal nutrition industry. In 2018, after becoming independent from their parent company, Palital identified the need to implement their own ERP […]
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Licensing changes for CompuTec WMS and CompuTec PDC
We have improved how licensing works for CompuTec PDC and CompuTec WMS, and aligned it technically to our licensing terms. Please note that after upgrading to CompuTec WMS 2.10.19 R3 or later or CompuTec PDC or later, it is necessary to reassign terminal licenses. The way the Terminal ID/ Terminal Name is generated has […]
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